In an attempt to protect themselves from contracting the coronavirus, a large portion of the world's global population has started wearing disposable personal protective equipment (like face masks and latex/plastic gloves). This reality can quickly pose a serious threat to our environment, as experts believe that our waste management systems are incapable of handling and processing the huge surge in waste. A study release in the Environment, Science & Technology Journal estimates that "129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves are being used each month". If only 1% of face masks were disposed of incorrectly, as many as 1.29 billion masks can be leaked into the environment. Since these disposable face masks are made of materials that include plastic, they will continue to pollute nature and harm organisms for decades to come. Therefore, we must remember that taking care of our environment's health is part of protecting our health.
What are some eco-friendly steps you've taken to protect yourself?