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Waste Horror Stories For Schools

Is waste haunting your home?

Registration is Closed
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Waste Horror Stories For Schools
Waste Horror Stories For Schools

Time & Location

Oct 31, 2020, 4:00 PM


About the Event

- Register yourself and/or your school by 28 October 2020.

- Begin taking photos and/or 15 second videos to show what you are doing about food, water, energy and any other resource which is being wasted at home; your footage has to fit under the theme “Waste Horror Stories.”

- Upload your photos and/or 15 second videos using the information provided to you in the registration confirmation.

- Every approved photo/video submitted by students from the same school counts as a point for that school. We will be tallying the points and announcing the winning school in terms of number of approved entries during our online event on 31 October 2020.

- All participating content must be uploaded using the instructions provided by 11:59pm on Wednesday 28 October 2020.

- Approved content will be showcased during our virtual “Waste Horror Stories” online event on 31 October 2020 at 4pm and might be featured in our upcoming environmental campaigns.

- Students from the winning school will be invited to host a webinar on waste management.

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Address: Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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نسعى لتعزيز المسؤولية البيئية والاجتماعية استنادا الى البحوث و الدراسات الميدانية و نقوم بتنظيم حملات التوعوية وانشطة ترويجية على الصعيد المهني و الاجتماعي 


للقيام بعملنا بشكل قانوني في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، نحن مسجلون ككيان خاص و لنقوم بتغطية التكاليف الناجمة عن انشطتنا التوعوية لا يمكننا قبول التبرعات، ولكن بامكانكم الاستثمار في انشطتنا


Our interest is in promoting environmental and social accountability through research, advocacy, campaigning and workplace/ community activations.

To operate legally in the United Arab Emirates we operate as a privately registered entity. To cover our outreach expenses, we cannot accept donations but you can support by investing in our work

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