Let's Help Clean A Public Beach!
While observing Covid-19 precautions ๐๐ป
Time & Location
Oct 30, 2020, 4:00 PM GMT+4
About the Event
With the easing of the rules on social gathering, and with activities resuming on our public beaches, we can unfortunately expect the littering (whether deliberate or unintentional) to happen.ย
Did you know that they're the most littered items on the world's beaches?ย
Did you know that cigarette butts have plastic in them?ย
Local municipalities, waste management companies and the awesome humans they employ are working diligently to keep our beaches and public amenities clean but, there's nothing like the look on smokers' faces when we pick up cigarette butts right in front of their eyes.ย
We're wearing yellow, maintaining physical distancing and bringing our own reusable (and disinfectable) bags/buckets and washable/disinfectable gloves). Cigarette butts (and other unsightly litter), here we come!