flush gray | ahlanwasahlan.org
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Did you know?

One Covid-19 recommended hand wash could use 4 liters of water if the tap is left on, and 2 liters if the tap is turned off while lathering our hands? Older toilets can use 13 to19 liters or even up to 26 liters of water with one flush, while new toilets can only use up to 6 liters per flush, and there are high efficiency toilets that use up to 4.8 liters per flush. Eye opening numbers! Until we can all have a hand washing basin connected to our flush (we are working to make this possible), what are we willing to do? 

E-mail: getintouch@ahlanwasahlan.org

Address: Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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نسعى لتعزيز المسؤولية البيئية والاجتماعية استنادا الى البحوث و الدراسات الميدانية و نقوم بتنظيم حملات التوعوية وانشطة ترويجية على الصعيد المهني و الاجتماعي 


للقيام بعملنا بشكل قانوني في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، نحن مسجلون ككيان خاص و لنقوم بتغطية التكاليف الناجمة عن انشطتنا التوعوية لا يمكننا قبول التبرعات، ولكن بامكانكم الاستثمار في انشطتنا


Our interest is in promoting environmental and social accountability through research, advocacy, campaigning and workplace/ community activations.

To operate legally in the United Arab Emirates we operate as a privately registered entity. To cover our outreach expenses, we cannot accept donations but you can support by investing in our work

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