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Earn points for doing good

When we do good many of us don't do it in anticipation of a reward, but since we're doing good we might as well be rewarded for it.


Every point you earn in a week is one entry to win the lottery every Sunday. Points are tallied every month and a jackpot winner is announced on the first day of the month.

Acknowledge (1 point)​

Point earned for acknowledging your role in making a difference for the better on the environmental and social front, when you sign up as a member

Do Something, Anything (2 points)

Points earned for every post you make about any thing that you did to make a difference for the better like picking up a piece of litter, choosing not to use a disposable, you name it. Begin posting here. 

Get Others on Board (3 points)

Points earned for every person who is enrolled to our eco points program because of you. Ask them to mention your name when we get in touch with them. 

Inform (4 points)

Points earned for every new piece of information you share on our forum


Participate (5 points)

Points earned every time you participate in our activities. RSVP to be informed of the upcoming date/time for the activities of your choice or propose a new activity in the forum

Once your application to become a member is approved you automatically become enrolled in our eco points program. Rewards are only redeemable in the United Arab Emirates (for now). 

eco points: Text


Address: Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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نسعى لتعزيز المسؤولية البيئية والاجتماعية استنادا الى البحوث و الدراسات الميدانية و نقوم بتنظيم حملات التوعوية وانشطة ترويجية على الصعيد المهني و الاجتماعي 


للقيام بعملنا بشكل قانوني في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، نحن مسجلون ككيان خاص و لنقوم بتغطية التكاليف الناجمة عن انشطتنا التوعوية لا يمكننا قبول التبرعات، ولكن بامكانكم الاستثمار في انشطتنا


Our interest is in promoting environmental and social accountability through research, advocacy, campaigning and workplace/ community activations.

To operate legally in the United Arab Emirates we operate as a privately registered entity. To cover our outreach expenses, we cannot accept donations but you can support by investing in our work

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