Waste Horror Stories: It's NOT Recyclable or Is It?

Time & Location
21 مارس 2021، 8:00 م – 9:05 م GST
About the Event
Did you know that JUST water packaging which is 43% plant-based plastic, will not readily biodegrade if it finds its way into the ocean?
Where do you recycle in the UAE? What gets recycled what doesn't?
Do you have to carry your recyclables to the closest sorting bins?
Is disposable glass better than disposable plastic?
Do we need to pay for a service to pick up our recyclables?
Is Tetrapak getting recycled? What about the different types of plastic?
Is everything with a ♻️ label recyclable?
What exactly happens to plastic, aluminum, paper, glass, and other less distinguishable items we end up having to use and throw out?
What exactly happens to expired food from supermarkets, restaurants and our own kitchen?
What exactly happens to clean tap water flowing down the drain?
The session will throw the light on waste management in the UAE specifically, and globally in general.
This will be a live broadcast.
If you would like to provide your professional input or share information about your services, please getintouch@ahlanwasahlan.org
Otherwise feel free to e-mail us questions you would like addressed.
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