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 تواصل اجتماعي


what we do

Worst Case Scenario is Here


September 1, 2020

The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, which hold enough frozen water to lift oceans 65 metres, are tracking the UN's worst-case scenarios for sea level rise, researchers said Monday, highlighting flaws in current climate change models.

Microplastics Are In Our Soil

Image by Markus Spiske

September 2, 2020

New research study from China ​notes that discarded bags, cups, threads and other forms of plastic waste are concentrated more in the earth than the oceans, with similarly dire consequences for the abundance of species that live below the surface.

Global Overuse In Disinfectants Can Be Harmful

Cleaning the Counter

July 23, 2020

Pathogens can develop immunities to disinfectants and traditional products contain air polluting volatile organic compounds and are sold in plastic packaging that will not likely make it to the recycling facilities. 

EU 2030 Plan Targets Planned Obsolesence


March 11, 2020

France is leading the way in this and insisting that products specify their expected life expectancy. It is also extending consumers’ rights to two years, giving everyone a de facto two years’ warranty.


Partner with us

Our interest is in promoting environmental and social accountability through research and workplace/ community activations.


We currently operate as a privately registered entity out of the United Arab Emirates

about us


Address: Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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نسعى لتعزيز المسؤولية البيئية والاجتماعية استنادا الى البحوث و الدراسات الميدانية و نقوم بتنظيم حملات التوعوية وانشطة ترويجية على الصعيد المهني و الاجتماعي 


للقيام بعملنا بشكل قانوني في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، نحن مسجلون ككيان خاص و لنقوم بتغطية التكاليف الناجمة عن انشطتنا التوعوية لا يمكننا قبول التبرعات، ولكن بامكانكم الاستثمار في انشطتنا


Our interest is in promoting environmental and social accountability through research, advocacy, campaigning and workplace/ community activations.

To operate legally in the United Arab Emirates we operate as a privately registered entity. To cover our outreach expenses, we cannot accept donations but you can support by investing in our work

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